Find a Bigger Yard in Jonesboro

Get a big yard in jonesboro at keswick estates

Get a big yard in jonesboro at keswick estates

A stylish home, on an estate-sized lot, in an ideal location. All three sound hard to find in the low $200s, but it’s all at Keswick Estates in Jonesboro. You’ll get Rockhaven style, on a big plot of land, with easy access to I-75 and beautiful Fayetteville. So, if you’re looking for a home in Jonesboro, what are the benefits of a big yard?

Create a Friendly Buffer

A bigger plot means more space for you and your loved ones. That means you don’t have to be so close to the road, and you and your neighbors have a friendly buffer between one another. It also means you have room for a fence – whether that’s a privacy fence or just a short set of pickets to keep the kiddos in the yard.

space for everything you love (copyright  Anna Om  123rf)

Space for Your Hobbies

Having a big yard means having room to do everything you’ve ever wanted to in your outdoor space. Create a bountiful backyard garden with tomatoes, peas, and any other fruits or vegetables your green thumb can dream of. Design a gorgeous landscape that will be the envy of your neighborhood. Or, install outdoor features and furniture to make life outside that much more luxurious.

Room for Everybody

Finally, having a big yard is great for everyone in the family. The kids will have so much more room to play. You can have family gatherings galore in the warm months, with space for cookouts. And, your pets won’t know what to do with all the new lawn they have to explore.

your big yard in jonesboro

Find Your Big Yard in Jonesboro

If a big yard and a beautiful home are what you’re looking for, at an amazing value in Jonesboro – look no further. Keswick Estates has everything you could want in a Jonesboro home – all in the low $200s. Contact us to find out more and schedule a tour. You’ll find the perfect place to call home in Jonesboro.

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